How to Apply Alopecia Areata Treatment

Alopecia Areata is one of the most common hair problems. It can cause hair loss and baldness. People who get this hair problem will have baldness on some parts of their hair with the form of like a coin. It can be wider and becomes bald. It can happen to anyone at any age. Adults or old people have a higher risk of this hair problem. No one wants to get this hair problem. You need to know alopecia areata treatment so that you will have healthy hair again. We will discuss about it in this article.

Alopecia Areata Treatment

Before you know alopecia areata treatment, you need to know alopecia Areata causes first. There are many factors that can cause this hair problem. One of them is related to some diseases. For example, if you have anemia, you may have alopecia Areata. Autoimmune problem can cause alopecia Areata. Other diseases that can cause this hair loss are tired, ringworm, trikotilomania, monilethrix, trichotiodystrophy, anorexia, infection, etc

Alopecia Areata Treatment
Besides some diseases, alopecia areata can be caused by drugs. You need to be careful before you consume drugs because they may cause baldness. One of the drugs that can cause alopecia Areata is an anabolic steroid. Therapy can be one of the factors of this hair loss. You have to be careful with antidepressant because it can cause alopecia Areata. If you consume family planning pills, you should be ready to have this hair loss. There are still some other drugs such as vitamin A with high doses, heart disease drugs, and Anti hypertension. By knowing those causes, you will know alopecia areata treatment.

This hair loss problem can be caused by your own condition. There are many conditions that can be the factors of alopecia Areata. For example, is pregnant. When your body weight is reduced drastically, it can cause this hair problem. Menopause can be one of the conditions that can cause hair loss. You may get alopecia Areata if you are lack of vitamin. Another condition that can cause this hair problem is stress.

You have to take care of your hair. When you care of it, you have to be careful because it may cause alopecia Areata. If you like combing your hair, it can cause hair loss. It is not recommended to use some chemical hair products such as straightening, relaxer, etc. If you are too often to shampoo your hair, it will make your hair dry and get this hair problem. You have to be careful with hair dryer, heating, iron, hair coloring, etc.

How to Lower the Risk of Alopecia Areata

If you do not want to have a lower risk of this hair loss problem, you need to know alopecia areata prevention. There are many ways that you can do. You can limit the use of curling iron, flat iron, blow dryer, and other hair tools that may danger your hair. Hair products with chemicals are not good for your hair. You should avoid or minimize it. If you want to rope your hair, it will be better to hair bundle with cloth not rubber. Prevention is much better than alopecia areata treatment.

How to Treat Alopecia Areata

If you have alopecia areata hair problems, you certainly want to treat it. There are many ways to do it. You can apply Minoxidil on your head. You can consider corticosteroid, and finasteride. There are other treatments such as scalp reduction, scalp flaps, laser therapy, and hair transplantation. That is alopecia areata treatment that you can try.

You do not need to worry about alopecia areata treatment because this hair problem will be healed naturally. After a few months, your hair will grow again and after the time goes it will be healthier again. If you do not want to wait too long, you can apply one of those treatments above.

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[…] in your auto immune system. The commonest one in this level is the disorder that is often called as Alopecia Areata. The disorder has the bad effect relating to the hair loss since it stirs your white blood to make […]


[…] phase, although it also begin from puberty phase. This condition is also knows with female pattern alopecia. At this time, this case grows in very fast with some of causes that make woman in bad hair […]


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