How to Stimulate Natural Hair Growth

Everyone wants their hair grows normally and naturally. It is because hair is very important related to appearance especially for women. It can be considered as one of the most important parts of their look. If you want your hair grow well, you do not only need to pay attention to your shampoo but there are still many other habits that can affect your hair growth. Therefore, in this article I will share some tips related to good habits for natural hair growth that you need to consider to follow.

Natural Hair Growth

Cleansing, Conditioning, Drying

Cleansing is very important to keep your hair always clean. If your hair is clean, your hair will always be healthy so that it can grow well. To clean your hair, you usually use shampoo. In this case, you need to consider buying a shampoo with high protein, vitamin B, and vitamin C. Besides that, you should also shampoo your hair regularly to get the best result. Besides that, natural hair growth can also be gotten by applying coconut oil on your scalp and hair wholly. It will be very effective to grow hair.

Then, conditioning is also needed for hair. You have to keep your hair moisturized and conditioned to grow hair naturally. In this case, what you need is a hair conditioner. There are many products of hair conditioner available in the market. Hair conditioner will be good applied every time after shampooing. To buy the best conditioner, you need to make sure that the chair conditioner you want to buy contains natural ingredients and free of alcohol or chemicals. Anyway, it can be considered as a good tip for natural hair growth.

After that, you also need to be careful to dry your hair. When your hair is still wet, that is the time when your hair gets fragile. So, if you dry it carelessly, you can damage your hair and cause breakage. So, drying hair with towel should be done carefully. It will be better for you to use a soft towel. Anyway, it is not recommended to use a hair drier because the heat cause hair as well scalp damaged. For the safest way, just let it dry naturally. It will be good for natural hair growth.

Styling Hair

Natural Hair Growth
Styling hair is very important because you will look much more beautiful if you have beautiful hair. You usually style your hair with heating tools. Unfortunately, heating tools is not a good idea because it will damage your hair and it will not grow well. So, you should avoid using heating tools to style your hair. Besides that, to stimulate natural hair growth, you can also comb your hair rightly. Combing it from the bottom to up is a good idea. In this case, it will be better for you to use an ideal comb. You can also comb your hair with your fingers slowly. It will be great for natural hair growth.

Besides that, when you want to apply hairstyle, the most common activity to do is teasing hair. In fact, it is the most common mistake. So, you should never do it again. It will block natural hair growth. Then, pulling hair is also common in styling hair. Do you know that pulling hair can cause bad effects for your hair? Besides your hair will fall down, it can also damage the scalp so that your hair will not grow well. However, it will be better for you to avoid hairstyles that require you to pull hair.

Sometimes, you also style your hair by adding some hair accessories. It will also relate to the natural hair growth. If you want to wear hair accessories, you have to do it wisely. For example, you are not recommended to wear hanging accessories. Besides that, hair accessories with metal materials will also bad for you because your hair should hold too heavy accessories. Therefore, it will be better to hair accessories that are light in weight. Anyway, it can be one of the natural hair growth tips.

Hair Cares & Maintenances

Lastly, you need to pay attention to the hair cares and maintenances. If you want to have beautiful and healthy hair, you need to feed it. The best way to feed hair is by giving it protein because protein is the most needed nutrient for hair. The lack of protein will cause your hair breakage. So, at you should give your hair protein at least once a month. The more protein you give, the better natural hair growth will be. There are many hair care products and choose the highest protein one.

Besides that, you should also stimulate hair follicles. It purposes to make the natural hair growth faster. Stimulating follicles can be done easily. One of the best ways and the simplest idea is by scalp massage. It can be done at home. You just need to massage your scalp at least twice a week. If you massage your scalp every day, it will be better for your hair. 3 to 5 minutes will be enough for each scalp massaging. Because the blood flow will be increased to your scalp, the hair growth will also be better.

Then, hair vitamin is also important to stimulate natural hair growth. Multivitamins comes in various brands and ingredients. It will not only make your hair healthy but also your scalp. So, the hair growth will be better. Some vitamins that are needed by hair are various. Vitamin B is one of the most needed. Besides that, vitamin C will also be good for your hair.

Another best hair care and maintenance is to eat diet foods that are high of omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids will be good for hair to grow faster. Besides that, your scalp will also be healthier. Even more, this kind of nutrient will not only useful for hair but also for skin. It can beautify your skin. So, considering the importance of this nutrient, you need to consider eating foods with high omega 3 fatty acids. It can be a good tip for natural hair growth.

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