10 Causes of Thinning Hair in Women

Hair loss can be the early problem of hair. It can cause thinning hair. If you let thinning hair and do not treat it as soon as possible, it can cause baldness. Thinning hair does not only happen to men, but also to women. Do you know what causes it? There are many factors that can cause thinning hair in women. It is important to know the causes. You can prevent as well as treat it. If you are curious about it, you can follow this article.

Causes of thinning hair in women

1. Telogen Effluvium

One of the causes of thinning hair in women is Telogen effluvium. It is a common phenomenon that happens after pregnancy. That is why it happens to women. During and after pregnancy, you will experience so many changes related to your appearance and your health. It includes your hair. It is happening thinning hair in women after pregnancy because it will get better again after a few months. So, it will be better if you improve your hair health by giving hair nutrients to minimize the risk of thinning hair.

2. Using Steamy Shower

Thinning hair in women
When you take a bath, you usually use a shower. There are various types of shower. Steamy shower is the most popular shower. It is because the steamy shower gives soft and warm water. You will feel comfortable and enjoyable to take a bath. It can cause thinning hair. It will not be a good idea for you. If you do not want to get thinning hair, it will be better for you to choose the common shower that is much safer for your hair.

3. Using a Hair Drier

After you take a bath, you want to make your hair dry as soon as possible. You will not comfortable to wear and do anything with wet hair. You dry your hair using a hair drier. It is very common where women a hair dryer everyday. The bad effect is that you will get thinner hair because the heat will damage your hair from the scalp, root to the tips. You can prevent this by reducing the use of hair dryers. It will be one of the most effective preventions of thinning hair in women.

4. Mishandling Your Wet Hair

If using a hair drier is not a good choice, so what should you do to make your hair dry faster? Some people prefer to wipe their hair using a towel. They do not pay attention to the texture of the towel they use. When women's hair is wet, it will be more fragile. If you wipe your wet hair with a hard towel, it can cause thinning hair. For the solution, you can use the softer towel to wipe your hair or let it dry naturally.

5. Tight Hairstyle

Women's thinning hair can be caused by the hairstyle that you choose. Not all hairstyles will be good for you. If you decide to apply braid hairstyle, you have to be careful to braid your hair. Make sure that the braids will not be too tight. If you want to apply a pigtail, you should avoid creating the ponytail that is too tight. It can cause your hair weaker. With weaker hair, you will have the higher risk of thinning hair.

6. Using a Hair Style Product with High Alcohol

When you want to buy a hairstyle product, you choose the product that is long lasting hold styling hair. It is a bad option because it shows that that product contains high alcohol. The alcohol content will make your hair unhealthy, weaker, and thinner. It can be one of the factors that cause thinning hair in women. You need to be careful in choosing the hair care product. Make sure that it is alcohol free.

7. Scratching Your Scalp

Your scalp feels itchy. It can be caused that your scalp is dirty. It can be caused by head lice that grow there. Scratching your scalp is not a good idea. It will not work because it cannot kill the head lice. If you do not stop it, it will cause thinning hair. For the best solution, you need to choose the shampoo that contains tea tree oil. It will be very effective to kill head lice so that your hair will always be thick and grow well.

8. Soaking Under the Su

If you like going outside, going to a beach and soak under the sun, you need to be careful with your hair. Soaking under the sun will damage your hair. Your hair and scalp van is dry and the nutrients will be lower. It can be one of the factors to cause thinning hair. So, if you want to go outside, it will be better for you to wear a cap or use an umbrella.

9. Dirty Hair

Washing hair too often is not good, but if you do not wash your hair, it will be bad. It can make your hair and scalp dirty, so that your hair is unhealthy. If you do not care about it, thinning hair in women will happen to you. So, you need to wash your hair regularly. For example, you wash your hair every morning and afternoon.

10. Consuming Certain Drugs

If you like consuming a certain drug, it can cause thinning hair. Antidepressant drugs or other supplements can affect the hormone of your hair. Women who consume certain drugs have a higher risk of thinning hair. It will be better for you to stop taking drugs. After you know those factors of thinning hair in women, you should be more careful and you can prevent it.

1 komentar:

[…] better. To apply this tip, you just need to massage your scalp wholly especially for the area with thinning hair or even bald. Massage it about 5 minutes every day regularly. If it is needed, you can also use […]


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