FUE Hair Transplant for Better Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation is more popular now. There are many people who have boldness. Baldness is mostly caused by genetic factors. It can be caused by other factors. People who are too stressed will have the higher risk of baldness. Other factors related to hair problems can cause baldness. Hair transplantation is much more effective than using hair growth products because it is permanent. There are 2 types of hair transplant. The first is to strip technique, the second one is an FUE hair transplant.

Hair by hair transplantation

Follicular Unit Extraction hair transplant is a hair transplantation that is done by the hair transplant technique. The unit grafts are removed individually and then be transplanted individually. The doctor will use a precision tool to remove it. It will not cause any scar and even any side effect. FUE hair transplantation is not only more effective than the strip technique one, but much safer. The high cost makes people are not too interested in this method. It takes faster time to pass the hair transplantation.

Why Should You Choose FUE Hair Transplant?

FUE Hair Transplant
Before you take hair transplant, you need to decide what method that you will choose. You will be offered with two options. The first option is strip technique. It is the most common method taken by most people over the world. FUE hair transplant will be the better choice. It is much more effective. It takes less time than the conventional one. So, it is done by the more skillful transplant team.

The Advantages of FUE Hair Transplant

There are many advantages that you will get. One of them is that you will not feel pain. There will no stitches so that the donor will look unchanged. The result will look more natural and certainly permanent. You do not need to worry about the baldness again. The there is no risk of this method. You will not feel any side effect. The procedures are very easy and simple. FUE hair transplant needs faster recovery. You are allowed to do your daily activity a day after the transplantation.

How FUE hair Transplant Is Performed

You may need to know how this method is performed. Because this method will transplant the grafts individually, the doctor will use a very small instrument with only one millimeter diameter. The follicular units on your scalp will be removed individually. The graft will be transplanted on the scalp that you want to be transplanted. This FUE hair transplant should be done carefully and by a professional transplantation team. You will get the best result.

If you take the strip technique hair transplant, you will be required to fulfill some rules. You need to diet a week before the transplant. You should quit consuming any drug. There are some other rules that you have to follow. Different from that method, It will require the easier rules. You just need to consult to the doctor and if there is no problem related to your hair. Then, you will be allowed to take this hair transplant soon. You can take this hair transplant even though you are wholly bald.

The Preparation of FUE Hair Transplant

This method does not require hard rules, you still need the preparation. It will only focus on the donor area of the patient's hair. You will transplant your back hair on to the front hair. Your hair donor area will be trimmed short. It purposes to make the physician able to visualize optimally and then work what he or she has to do. The physician will remove your grafts and follicle of your hair one by one and then directly transplant it on the transplanted area. It shows that is very simple and easy.

The Placement of Follicular Unit

A hair follicle or well known as a follicular unit contains from one to four hairs. It should be transplanted with the right placement to make the result perfect. The technique that is used in place the follicular unit is similar to the technique that is used in FUT technique. The difference is that in this method the placement is done with hair by hair. It is much more carefully.

The Healing of hair donor Area

Different from FUT technique that needs a few days of recovery, the recovery is faster. You will not feel any pain during and after the hair transplantation. You just need to be careful. It will be better to consult with your doctor. For example, is whether it is allowed to wash your hair at home. You will be suggested to stay at the hospital on the day. You are allowed to go home directly depending on the hair transplant you pass.

How Long the New Hair Will Grow?

After the hair transplant, you cannot directly enjoy your new hair because you need to wait a few months for the new hair to grow. The doctor gives some hair nutrients to fasten the hair growth. Your new hair will begin to grow about 3 months after the FUE hair transplant. You must be patient while keeping your hair healthy.

FUT technique is more common, the FUE technique is more popular now. It is because this method is more effective and safer for the patient. If you have hair growth problems or baldness, you can consider taking FUE hair transplant. Hopefully this will be a useful reference, especially for you who are looking for the solution of the hair growth problem.

4 komentar

[…] Transplant hair surgery would be the first step is deciding the transplant area by estimating the grafting region and follicle requirements. You know actually the baldness on people hair have different area on the head then it has hair restoration. The front of head baldness would be easy to be transplanted as well as compared to the other parts of the head. The front hair for your hair is quite restorable and easy since the body hair can be used to be transplanted on your head. So, the first step is that doctor seeing the baldness area and deciding hair follicle for transplant hair restoration. […]


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