How to Solve Hair Loss after Pregnancy

Hair loss may happen to anyone either men or women. For women, hair loss becomes very annoying. You have to prevent it. Not all cases of hair loss can be prevented. Women will experience hair loss after pregnancy. It cannot be prevented because it occurs naturally and that is normal for women. You need is to stop and treat it. How to treat it? There are many ways that you can do. You need to follow these tips.

Solve Hair Loss after Pregnancy

1. Consume Biotin

One of the nutrients that you need to consume is biotin. It is a nutrient that affects your hair health. It can function to treat hair loss caused by pregnancy. How can you get biotin? You need to eat meals that contain high biotin. There are many meals that are recommended. There are meat and nut that contain high biotin. You can consider eating seeds. Consume biotin can be a good idea to stop hair loss after pregnancy.

2. Consume Vitamin B6

Hair Loss after Pregnancy
There are still many other nutrients that you can consume to make your hair healthier. One of the best nutrients that you can consume is vitamin B6. You can consider eating meat to get vitamin B6. Meat contains high vitamin B6. You can eat fish which has high vitamin B6 to treat hair loss after pregnancy. There are some fruits and vegetables that contain high vitamin B6, so that you need to consume them. Your hair will be healthier by consuming vitamin B6, so that your hair loss will be stopped.

3. Consume Omega 3

Omega 3 is one of the nutrients that contained from healthy foods. It is identified as a nutrient for diet. It can be helpful as the solution for pregnancy hair loss. There is a research which shows that it has an important role as the nutrient for hair. Consuming omega 3 can help your hair grow better. You can find omega 3 from fish or other healthy foods. If you experience hair loss after pregnancy, you need to fulfill the needs of omega 3 to stop that hair problem.

4. Consume Zinc

Zinc is one of the most important nutrients for the hair. There are many shampoos which offer zinc because the health of your hair can be affected from zinc. If your hair is lack of zinc, your hair will be unhealthy and easy to fall. You need to fulfill the needs of zinc for your hair. Shampoo is a must, but you can improve zinc from some foods. There are many foods that are recommended such as meat, fish, and vegetables. If you have hair loss after pregnancy, it will be better to consume those foods more.

5. Avoid Sulfa tan Anion

Besides consuming those nutrients mentioned above, you need to avoid chemicals, especially sulfa tan anion. It is a chemical that may danger your hair. You must avoid it if you have hair loss during pregnancy. There are some shampoos that contain it. You have to be more careful to choose your own shampoo. Before buying shampoo, you need to pay attention to the ingredients. Make sure that it does not contain sulfa tan anion. It is a good tip to solve hair loss after pregnancy.

6. Avoid Stress

You have to pay attention to your condition. What I mean here is that you have to avoid stress. There are many women who are too stressed to think about their pregnancy. This condition will cause many problems including for your hair. If you are stressed, your hair loss can be worse. Hair loss after pregnancy occurs for temporary only. You should keep calm and keep your cleanliness of your scalp. This will naturally be healed.

Those are some tips that you can do to solve your problem of hair loss after pregnancy. It occurs naturally and it will get healed naturally. These tips can be very helpful as the solution of this hair problem. When you get pregnant and you have hair loss, you can follow those tips above.

1 komentar:

[…] the causes of thinning hair in women is Telogen effluvium. It is a common phenomenon that happens after pregnancy. That is why it happens to women. During and after pregnancy, you will experience so many changes […]


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