Itchy Scalp Hair Loss Causes, Treatments, & Preventions

Hair is related very closely to the appearance. If you have beautiful hair, you will look beautiful. You have to be careful with some hair problems. One of the most common problems is an itchy scalp. When you feel itchy on your hair, it means the itchy is on your scalp. There are many causes of itchy scalp. Itchy scalp is followed by hair loss. If you have this problem, you have to stop it. How to stop this hair problem? We will discuss about itchy scalp hair loss in this article.

Itchy Scalp Hair Loss with Dandruff

One of the most common factors of itchy scalp is dandruff. It will cause hair fall. If you feel itchy and you find dandruff on your hair and scalp, you have to be careful because your hair will fall down. Dandruff comes because of some factors. If your hair is dirty. It increases the risk of dandruff. It can be caused by the dirty scalp. Oily hair is common to have dandruff. It is a factor which causes itchy scalp hair loss that you have to know.
If you have itchy scalp hair fall problem, you need to treat it as soon as possible. It is not only about hair fall but you will feel suffered by the itching. You need to remove the dandruff to keep away for the itching and stop hair loss. You have to replace your shampoo with an anti dandruff shampoo. Then, you can use coconut oil to remove the dandruff. Apply it on your scalp and hair wholly. It will be effective to treat itchy scalp hair loss.

Can you prevent itchy scalp? Of course, you can. Preventing itchy scalp should be based on the cause of easy scalp. You need to prevent dandruff. By preventing dandruff, you can minimize the risk of hair loss. It can be done with some ideas. One of the best ways is by keeping your hair clean every day and all day. If your hair is clean, dandruff will not come and your hair will not fall.

Itchy Scalp Hair Loss with Head Lice

Itchy Scalp Hair LossThere are still many other factors that cause itchy scalp thinning hair. One of them is head lice. Head lice will be able to grow fast on your hair and if they bite your scalp, you will feel itchy. It will be very uncomfortable. It will damage the roots of your hair. If you do not fight the head lice, your hair will be thinner. You have to treat this cause as soon as possible.

How to kill head lice? Head lice can be killed with many ways. The most common way is by shampooing your hair. Not all shampoos can kill head lice. You have to choose a shampoo that can treat head lice. If you consider the natural way, you can use tea tree oil. You can treat this hair loss by applying the tea tree oil on your hair and scalp evenly. After leaving for about 15 minutes, you should rinse your hair with cold water. It will be very effective to kill head lice. You will be kept away from hair loss.

Preventing is always better than treating. It will be better for you to think about itchy dry scalp hair loss prevention. You have to prevent the head lice and you will not feel itchy. You will not have hair loss. So, you should keep your hair and scalp clean to prevent the head lice. The routine hair wash will be good. If it is needed, you can give your hair and scalp vitamins. It will help you to prevent this hair loss.

Itchy Scalp Hair Loss with Dry Scalp

The next factor that causes itchy scalp is the dry scalp. If you have dry scalp, you will feel itchy. You will scratch your scalp to stop the itching. It will not work well. It can damage your scalp. If you scratch your scalp, it may cause redness. The itching will spread larger and you will have hair loss. After you know that it can cause itchy scalp hair loss, you need to stop it before your hair loss causes baldness.

Itchy dry scalp hair loss can be treated by stopping the dry scalp. You have to make your scalp moisturized. Shampoo is not effective to keep your scalp moisturized. You need to find the best hair moisturizer. If you want the natural way, you can use Aloe Vera. Apply it on your scalp, wait for 20 minutes and then wash your hair. It will not only effective to treat this hair loss, but also good to prevent it.

Itchy Scalp Hair Loss with Oily Hair

Another common cause of itchy hair is the oily hair. Some people have oily hair naturally, but it is caused by some factors. If you are rare to clean and wash your hair, it will cause oily hair. If you have oily hair, you will feel itchy on your scalp. It may cause hair loss if you scratch it. So, you have to be careful with this hair loss.

You have to stop the oily hair to treat this hair problem. There are many shampoos that are good for oily hair. You can treat it with natural home remedies. Then, you can apply black tea on your hair for at least 10 minutes every day and wash it until clean. You can use lemon juice, Aloe Vera, baking soda, or apple cider vinegar to treat oily hair. If you have itchy scalp hair loss problem, you can treat it by practicing one of those tips above.

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