Understanding DHT and Hair Loss

Hair is our beloved jewel because it gives us great attraction. Many people will start to be confused when their hair starts to fall apart. There are some causes that can make our hair fall. DHT and hair loss are two things that become the most common causes. This cause happens and there are some causes that make you get this condition. If you want to keep your beautiful hair in place, you need to know more about this condition. I will give detail explanation about this abnormality and how we have to act against such condition so our crown can be saved.

What Is DHT?

Before we get through deeper explanation, I think that we have to understand more about what is mentioned as DHT and hair loss itself. DHT is the abbreviation of terms which are called as "dihydrotestosterone". DHT is a hormone in our body that is suspected as the greatest cause for hair loss in our hair. This hormone is produced by both men and women. It is really annoying. Why can something that is produced by the body itself make a bad condition in the body?
dht and hair lossThe DHT and hair loss is related because there is some connection that happens caused by the sensor in our skin head. The work of the hormone is ruining our hair is not really clear. Some scientists conclude that the DHT makes hair fall because they disturb some functions in the receptors that exist in the hair. The disturbance makes the skin get a wrong signal from the receptors. This wrong signal makes the hair cell to reduce the growth of the hair. As the growth of the hair is slowed down, the function will not work smoothly. The nutrition for hair is cut and makes the hair fall.

The hormone is acquired through some chemical process in our skin head or scalp. You will get enzyme 5 alpha reductase in your scalp. This hormone comes in contact with testosterone hormone. This enzyme will make a reaction with the testosterone to create the DHT. It is the cause why the hair will fall. This hair loss of DHT will last in uncertain time, according to the condition that is suffered by the victim.

The Effects of DHT and Hair Loss

Some people may feel okay when they get this high DHT and hair loss. But, you should not take this condition for granted. This hair loss from DHT can cause you to have permanent baldness in your life. You should be concerned about it as hair is your greatest crown in your life. This permanent baldness means that you will never regain your old hair even when you are trying your best to get it back. It will leave you badly with no hair and such thing will be the worst nightmare for those who are still young.

How to Overcome DHT and Hair Loss

DHT and hair loss is a great matter, you better know how to overcome this thing. The biggest problem is the DHT hormone itself. This is the hormone that makes our hair get miscommunication in the process. We need to overcome the growth of this hormone and find out how to reduce it to the scale. This hormone is beneficial instead of disadvantageous for us.

The best way to deal with this hair loss is having natural herbs as DHT hormone itself has been created naturally in our life. The herbs which are often used for reducing DHT are often called as the DHT blockers. The combination is created as the DHT blocker is like green tea, nettle root, Pygeum, and saw palmetto. These herbs are great for blocking the DHT. It disturbs the work of the cell that produces the DHT itself. As you get a reduction of DHT, you will get better control over the hair cells that you have.

The next way is by having shampoo with DHT control. Some shampoos often are often fused with substances that can reduce and eradicate some DHT hormone in our scalp. You can take some propecia for getting better control. The propecia does not directly block the growth of DHT, but it suppresses the production of the substance that makes the DHT produced. The propecia disturbs the work of 5 alpha reductase type two. It's the job of transforming common testosterone into the dangerous DHT hormone.

The last way that you can take for facing the DHT and hair loss is having hair growth supplement. You should know about this condition earlier if you want to have more effective prevention using the hair growth. You should know that your hair still struggle to produce hair. When you find out to suffer overwhelming DHT like falling hair constantly, you should start to consider that you have DHT problems and directly call for the help of hair experts or go to the hair treatment center for solving your problems.

There is an additional reason why you can have this DHT and hair loss. This reason is stress that you get from daily life. You should not put yourself in the place where you get so much stress. You can get stress from work, from family, from friends, and from many sources. This stress will trigger some hormonal disorder. It may lead to overproduction in the DHT. You should know how to deal with your own thought and feeling too, if you do not want to suffer from hair DHT hair loss.

Those are all that you must know about DHT and hair loss. Those things are important to be understood by you because you have to secure your most precious jewel in the first place. The effect of DHT is not only temporary because there is a big chance that the bald head will last in the rest of your life. You need to avoid anything that can lead you to hair loss. Then, you can do it by reducing you're over thinking. You need to provide proper hair treatment for your hair. So, you can minimize the chance of getting bald.

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