Follicular Unit Extraction Tips Before and After Surgery

Hair transplant is more popular now. It is because the fact that the case of baldness is increased. Baldness can be caused by various factors such as daily foods, habits, genetic factors, etc. You need to treat it as soon as possible. This hair problem can be treated in different ways, including hair transplant. There are various methods that you can choose. One of them is follicular unit extraction. It becomes one of the most common methods taken by people. You need to know the tips to reduce the pain and get the best result.

This method of hair transplant is not painful. You may feel some side effects after the transplant. The side effects can be different from one to another. The most common follicular unit extraction side effect is discomfort. You will feel uncomfortable. It is normal for a few days after the surgery. Soreness is one of the most common side effects of follicular unit extraction. You have to be careful to take care of your hair and scalp especially after the surgery. You can consider the following tips.

Follicular Unit Extraction Tips

1. Follow Pre Surgery instructions

Follicular unit extractionThe first tip that you have to pay attention relates to the instruction before you take this hair transplant. You need to follow the instructions that are given by your doctors. You have to make sure that you clean up your hair and scalp before the surgery. So, you should get enough rest and sleep in the night before the surgery. You have to pay attention to the foods you eat every day.

One of the causes of baldness is too stressed and too tired. You should keep away from something that makes you too tired. Then, you need to take a rest well. You have to make sure that you have enough rest with the right time. It will be useful for FUE hair transplant. It should be done both before and after the surgery. The growth of your hair after follicular unit extraction will be maximal.

2. Take Medications As Advised

After the surgery, you may feel uncomfortable and sore. Infection is possible to happen. You have to be careful if you do not want this to happen. Your doctor or surgeon will give you medication advices. You will be given medical prescriptions to prevent infection. It is very important for you to follow. There are many other possible medications that are given by your doctor or surgeon. By following those medications, the FUE you take will work well.

3. Do Not Pick or Scratch Your Scalp

After taking FUE hair transplant surgery, you may feel itchy and irritated on your scalp. It is common to happen, especially in the donor area as well as the restored area. You will pick or scratch your scalp. After taking follicular unit extraction, you are not allowed to do it. It can damage your scalp and your hair. If you want to clean up your scalp and hair, it will be better for you to shampoo it with the shampoo or other hair products suggested by your doctor or surgeon. It will be safer and better.

4. Be Careful in Cleaning Your hair and Scalp

Keep your hair and scalp clean is very important after you take this hair transplant. It does not mean that you can clean it up as usual. After the surgery, your scalp will be weaker. You have to be careful with it. Then, you need to use the shampoo that is safe for your hair and scalp. You need to consult with your doctor or surgeon to choose the best shampoo or other hair products.

5. Minimize Physical Activities

Baldness can be caused by stress or tired condition. Physical activities can be the most common cause. After the surgery, you are not allowed to do too hard physical activities. It will be better for you to minimize it. With less physical activities, you will take a rest more. It will make your hair and scalp more relaxed and healthier. You can ask to your doctor or surgeon related to the activities that are allowed and not allowed after taking follicular unit extraction.

6. Keep Away from Smoking and Alcohol

If you are a smoker, you have to quit smoking after taking this hair transplant surgery. Smoking can cause baldness. If you still smoke after the surgery, it is possible happening baldness again. Alcohol can be very dangerous for your health, including hair health. If you used to drink alcohol before taking follicular unit extraction, you have to stop this bad habit. It will be useful to make the hair growth better.

7. Schedule to Meet Your Surgeon or Doctor

Consultation is very important. It should be done both before and after the surgery. It will be better for you to make schedules to meet your surgeon or doctor after the hair transplant. You can meet him or her once a month or twice a month. It will be very helpful and useful. If something unexpected happens, you should meet your surgeon or your doctor even though it is not your schedule to meet him or her.

That is all the tips that you have to consider if you want to take a hair transplant surgery using this method. Considering the effectiveness and the result, follicular unit extraction can be a good choice. Hopefully this will be a useful reference for you who want to take follicular unit extraction.

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