Tips Before, During, and After Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair is one of the parts of your body that makes you attractive. If you have hair problems such as hair fall or even baldness, it will make you unconfident because your look will not be interesting. You need to solve this problem. You may apply hair vitamins or eat various foods that can help you to grow your hair faster but it takes too long. For the instant solution, hair transplant surgery can be a good idea. You have to pay attention to many tips that you should follow before and after the surgery.

Hair Transplant Surgery Tips

1. Consult to Your Doctor before Hair Transplant Surgery

Before you take this surgery, you need to consult with your doctor first. It purposes to ask some questions related to hair transplant surgery such as what to prepare before the surgery. You have to prepare some questions. It will be a good idea to make a list of questions. You can prepare this surgery well. There are many tips that you need to follow. The surgery will work well and you will get the best result.

2. Go to Bed Earlier the Night before Surgery

hair transplant surgeryYou need to apply some preparations in the night before the surgery. One of them is to go to bed earlier. It proposes to have enough sleep and rest. You can get up earlier in the morning, getting breakfast well, and prepare to take the surgery calmly. It is very important to get enough sleep before it affects your health. The surgery should be taken when you are in your best health. You need to follow this important tip.

3. Wash Your Hair Cleanly

Before you take this hair transplant, you have to make sure that your hair is clean. You need to wash your hair the day before the surgery and the day of the surgery. It will be better to wash your hair before going to bed in the night before this surgery. Then, it will be a good idea for you shampoo your hair in the morning when you take a bath. It proposes to make your hair healthier and you will get the best result of the surgery.

4. Wear the Comfortable Clothes

Wearing the most comfortable clothes can be one of the tips of pre hair transplant surgery. Then, you should not put off or change your clothes a few days after the surgery. You have to make sure that the clothes you wear are the most comfortable. You may choose to wear clothes or T-shirt depending on your desire. It belongs to one of the tips that you have to follow before taking the surgery.

5. Be Relax During Hair Transplant Surgery

The day of the surgery, you cannot be afraid and panic. It will make you sweat or even dizzy. You have to keep being relaxed. The surgery can be done quickly and well. It will be better for you not to be too stressed thinking about the surgery to keep relaxed. You can  try to think about anything else that does not relate to this hair transplant. It will be very effective to make you much more relaxed. You should find your own way to be relaxed.

6. Take Care of Your Hair and Scalp

You should know the important tip of post hair transplant surgery. One of the most important tips is to take care of your hair as well as your scalp. Take care of hair is very important after the surgery. You need to take care of your scalp too. The scalp becomes the key of your hair health. If you have healthy scalp, you will have healthy hair. It becomes a good tip after you take the surgery.

7. Keep Your Head Higher

After the surgery, you need to change some habits. One of them is when you go to bed. You have to keep your head higher. It will make your hair healthier. If you usually sleep with one pillow under your head, after taking hair transplant surgery, you can consider using two pillows under your head. It gives many benefits, especially for your hair health. It affects the hair transplant result. You need to follow this important tip.

8. Avoid the Sun and Exercises

If you like going outside or doing exercises, you have to keep yourself away after taking this surgery. It does not mean that you cannot do that forever. It only purposes to prevent the worse condition. So, it makes the hair transplant surgery work unwell. Your doctor may advices you to rest at home for a few days and not to do exercises for a few weeks or even months depending on the progress of your hair transplant result. It belongs to the most important tips that you should follow.

9. Keep away from Spicy Foods

You have to pay attention to the foods you eat. You have to choose the foods carefully.So, you should keep away from spicy foods. Spicy foods will make you sweat on your scalp and make affect your hair health. It can cause itching. You will scratch your scalp. After you take hair transplant surgery, you are not allowed to consume alcohol. Alcohol will not be good for your health, including hair healthiest.

Those are some important tips that you have to know if you are interested in hair transplant surgery. By following the tips, you will get the best result. Hopefully this will be a good reference for you who have the baldness problem and want to take hair transplant.

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